Rant and hindsight about facebook and social media

let me preface this by saying i very rarely post or comment or read in here. but recent event in my social media experience makes me realise about what have you been saying for years about them is damn true… especially when you “wrapped” in their ecosystem, ie uses their service so often everyday.

so wendell and the crews even since tek news have been saying this for years. social media isnt as free to post as you want. the “community guidelines” so to speak, moderate what speech you can or cannot post. in paper, it sounds… good? because you can report the “problematic” post. and some of those problematic post is universally agreed upon majority like child porn, threatening post to individual privacy like unwanted mass distributed sex tape, extreme harassment, and gore content. so whats the problem about this “community guideline” ?

well, guess what. frightening number of my followed social media account, whos been chiming in about the gaza and israel conflict have been silenced(banned to post or comment for few days) in past few days. even one account with hundred thousands of followers have been deleted, twice! how? he makes second account after been deleted first time gathered same amount of followers and his account got deleted again?

do i need to say more on the nature of the argument or post on what they have been banned with? you all know, oh how fb moderator sided with only the “righteous” side and banned the “problematic” one, right.???.
yeah yeah i m being sarcastic at this point haha. let just say fb sided with the one side less dying and more money, bigger backing…

anyway, i come here just to say, those awkward laugh when fb did a thing and you read the news and you did the awkward laugh and mark zuckerberg been put in trial and hes saying people are dumb fuck in the beginning of fb start. yeah man that all true… man i feel so dirty. and china with their policy, their adamant of creating and lording over their own network and banned other network… seem strategically organized. they are not some big power rivaling US for nothing i guess. oh what a hindsight. what power the users have give “these” social media mogul have given. what content have been suppress, what content have been more viral… on purpose for all this time.

end rant


I dropped out of Facebook a couple years back. I didn’t realise how much it was affecting me.

I also hate it.

I intended to just “take a break” and go back, but I don’t think I’ll be going back.

I have LinkedIn because it’s company policy, and it’s useful for my job.


I deleted my account on facebook years and years ago. I am now closer to my friends than when I was using social media.

I use twitter for weather, reddit for tech communities only, discord for communities I actually participate in, and a small handful of forums like this.

Life is better.


Yeah, I got rid of my Facebook ages ago.

Honestly, these sort of sites are designed to harm their users in a number of ways without even getting into the way they police speech.

Not worth it, begone, big tech.


I can’t bring myself to delete Facebook, it’s a tool I can use to reach out to so many past friends and acquaintances when needed. That said I like to think I 'stick it’s to them as best as possible:

  • deleted app on daily driver phone, so no contacts sync, no LE Bluetooth tracking, GPS, keylogger, clipboard mining etc.
  • messenger? What’s messenger?
  • if I need to messenger or use FB I have a dirty lineageOS phone that never leaves the house and isn’t used for browsing etc. Or I spin up a Linux VM, protonVPN out of it, then use a browser to sign in. VPN just to obfuscate home IP, VM so I can trash the cookie infested browser.

Twitter- deleted. Twitter is an amazing tool, I had it setup to feed me cyber news. But the algorithm was too thirsty, it started to morph around my own faults and my feed became toxic, so I axed the account.

Instagram is next, it’s effectively Facebook#2 and I hate FB is getting any data on me.

APIs. Go to your phones privacy settings or into FBs own feed GUI and look at how many other apps and orgs feed into Facebook- it’s downright freakish. My goal is to ween off as many of those dirty apps as possible/stop using xyz services that whore out data to FB.

Bet your life savings when you delete your FB account you still have a GUID with them and they are still mining all forms of data possible (Perma cookies on your gear, various apps APIs etc)


I made a Facebook account years ago, so FB already has a profile with me and my contacts at the time.

I still pop in every now and then to contact estranged relatives or acquaintances.

Whether I have intentionally made a profile or not, it’s not gonna stop them tracking me across the web, so I’m not gonna bind myself up in knots about it.

I just choose not to spend time on the platform.

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I have a bogus facebook account I use for access to their sharing debugger. The eleventy-one layers of caching around images posted on social media invariably leads to “It’s still showing the old image!” emails. :confounded:

I yeeted the personal account long ago which was particularly humorous when Facebook started headhunting a year or so ago.

Come work for Super Evil Megacorp! It’s great! You’ll Love it! Especially now that we’re losing all our advertisers!

I requested to delete my Facebook account several years ago. Never had Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, or TicTok. I’ve also requested LinkedIn to delete my account. I’ve left Amazon. I don’t use a shoppers card (or with permission, use someone else’s shoppers card).

I’ve cited policy changes or privacy concerns as reasons for deletion. Making the request using a VPN server in an EU country or California might be unnecessary but could help? Still in reality I doubt anything was actually deleted. I’m still working on cleaning up the digital mess I’ve made online. It’s hard work. Sometimes you can’t just delete your account, you have to email an admin. It’s crazy… I just want to have an online experience where ads are based on the content you’re consuming. Like Radio or TV…(before ultrasonic ad tracking was a thing) There is just too much money to be made mining your personal information.

I don;t know for sure, but I suspect any deletion would just make them flag it on their database, and mark it as “user request deletion” (or law enforcement, or government, or court etc) and they might have a policy to not keep renewing it / backing it up / selling the data, or might not.

I doubt they Could delete stuff straight away? in case subpoena for records? I don’t know.
There are laws to remove info from public view, especially after court warrant issued, but not sure about actual retention.

Does anyone know?

Like infinite scrolling. Designed as far as im aware to deliberately screw with your mind, get you addicted and it keeps you on the site.

So yes, discourse is evil. Deliberate or not adopting the infinite scroll is bad for your mental health. Im not sure there’s a way to turn it off.


I have an old account I can’t even log into because I neglected it for years. Facebook practically wants a DNA sample and my tax records to regain access so fuck that, that tiny bit of personal information that’s 15 years out of date can just sit there.

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Even more heinous, it generally turns indexing and archiving useful/interesting content into a sisyphean task.

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Did you also watch The Social Dilema?

Well discouraging mega threads is the solution to that.

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Possibly? Name rings a bell.

My conclusion on that is about how they put people into echo chambers and build feedback loops of insanity that then escapes into the real world, kinda like a particle accelerator, but for retards.


Its literally designed to get more screen-time at the detriment to one’s health.

finds myself back on the forum again

Uh huh, you’re saying?


That’s a good meme.

Facebook clearly doesn’t understand art.


good one…

yeah social media is fucked