Radeon 7900 XT / XTX after BSOD

I have gaming virt W10 working for several years on old RTX 20XX, it works quite well but and I’m thinking of new GPU for 4K gaming.

Recently I installed GPU-Z software to this VM and I noticed it randomly causes BSOD, sometime some BSOD with DX related error, sometimes something like BSOD Critical process died

I started to think… If I have at this moment Radeon 7900 XT/XTX in my VM, what would happen after such BSOD? Will i be able to simply reset VM and start virt w10 again? Do I have to do some suspend to RAM and resume to reinitialize GPU? OR GPU will always be STUCK in some strange state and only whole srv/host reboot must follow? How hardly reset-bug impacts such scenario?

Thank you for replies

BR, raven4

In the best case you can reboot (halt and start) the VM and be up and running. The 7xxx series has the GPU reset problems, so you might need to reboot the entire host, if the VM with passthrough does not start up correctly again.

I can even get the AMD RX 6600 in a weird state (picture generation with Stable Diffusion + AMD ROCm), so it wasn’t useable in any other VM. The host system an any other system continued to run fine in my case. Reboot of the host made the card useable again.