Radeon 6970 Screen glitching

Cut to the point. I have no idea whats going on.

This was not happening 4 hours ago i don't even know what happened. i went up got a drink. sat down. Bam.

(Only this monitor does it.)

My larger Acer monitor works in both Video card slots. 

I hope someone can help. 

thankyou :)

Does problem is when you connect both monitors, or problem is occurring even when one monitor (ViewSonic) is connected ? 

When only the VeiwSonic is plugged in. it still does it.

Maybe the monitor could've kicked the bucket.

If you can test it out with another card and that should answer your question.

I don't own any other videocards. the only reason i care this stupid monitor died. is to run it in a small resolution to make an old game fit nicely. (the acer makes it all to pixely)

Do you have an intel cpu? If so you could use that to test if the monitor still works. If not i'm all out of suggestions.

Yeah i do, how do i test it?
(just plug it into the Motherboard imput?) 


Take the gpu out and just plug the one monitor into the motherboard.

il have to try that tomorrow, as i would have to move my computer to do it. Thanks for your guy's help :) 

No problem. Hope it works out well.