Hi, So I decided to get a SAPPHIRE R9 280X DUAL-X. I installed a clean windows 8.1, downloaded the latest drivers from the AMD website(14.4) and thought it would be ok. I have played dota 2, l4d2 and portal 2 to check if it was just one game but turns out I get freezes on all of them. Theyre random and 1-15mins apart. It freezes for around 4seconds and the game continues until eventually i get a freeze where it brings me to the desktop and i cant see anything, I can just hear the game. If im browsing and doing stuff like that the graphics card doesnt create problems. Is anyone else experiencing this or is it just me?
Might be a driver problem right then and there. Try rolling back to the 12.14 drivers.
Any idea where i can download them? The closest i found are 12.10 and thats from the amd archive. http://support.amd.com/en-us/download/desktop/previous?os=Windows+8+-+64
Go into msconfig and disable CCC at boot, see if that solves your issue.
ye i did disable CCC at boot and still happening. I ended up going back to 12.10 drivers and it works like a charm now. Something wrong with the newer drivers I guess. Thanks for the help though.
could be winblows 8.1, i've had nothing but problems in the games i want to play
I'm running 8.1 and had better luck with 14.3
OP try your card in another system (if possible) first of all as it shouldnt be a driver issue. Plus its a clean install so everything on that front should be all good. Checked your sig, rest of your build seems ok, if anything it could be the psu pancaking once it heats up under gpu load past the limit of what it was when you had your older card.
My money is on it being a dud card.
Ye I'm on windows 8.1........ The crashes are back yet again so I'm just going to downgrade to win7. Hopefully that fixes the issue.
Well, after changing between 14.4, 13.12, 12.10 drivers i thought of underclocking the card. I underclocked it from 1050 core to 1000 and 1500 Memory to 1400 and i get absolutely no freezes. Does this mean that my 550W psu could be the problem or could it be the card? (I have no other way of checking the card in a different computer)
The card must not be stable at the stock overclock so leave it underclocked or add voltage.