My cousin wants a pc for christmas so he can play minecraft, and I offered to build the pc for him, I'm not sure what gpu to get, an r7 250, or a 7770Ghz editon, they're both pretty much the same price. However, ive heard that the 7770Ghz is faster, however, it has less memory, and thus I'm unsure whats better. What would you guys suggest?
7770ghz is faster. Memory is a bit of a non-issue. People put extra memory on cards that don't really need or use it.
R7 250 = HD7510(OEM you cant buy it)
I can personally tell you that a 7770GHZ is amazing for the price I used to have one a while ago, definitely get a 7770GHZ I recommend the sapphire version, it is more power efficient, only requires 400 Watts.
it is more power efficient, only requires 400 Watts.
Its a 80w TDP card it dosent need 400w's at all....
Any of the cards mentioned can easily use more than 1gb of vram. Pointless on lower bandwidth cards, but these, no, my son has a 2500k PC with a 7770 2gb and it gobbles up 1.5 gb of ram in Skyrim and some other games. In comparison, the 6670 DDR3 2GB he had before, certainly couldn't and on the same games with the same settings (and much less fps) the vram usage was about 700mb.
Cards use what is available, that's not to say it needs that vram. There's no performance advantage by adding more Vram to a card. Quite often, cards with higher amounts of vram are slower than their normal counterparts.
Hey man that's just what it said on Newegg