"Quick" and Dirty Guide to an Arch Linux installation

# nano /etc/pacman.conf



Server = http://catalyst.wirephire.com/repo/catalyst/$arch

Save file

# pacman-key --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 0xabed422d653c3094

# pacman-key --lsign-key 0xabed422d653c3094

# pacman -Syu

# pacman -S catalyst catalyst-utils lib32-catalyst-utils

# aticonfig --initial

# nano /etc/modprobe.d/modprobe.conf


blacklist radeon

Save file

# nano /etc/default/grub




Between the "".

Save File



I see grub in those commands. Does that require the use of grub? Because grub isn't part of this guide ._.


That file (/etc/default/grub) is indeed part of Grub, which we didn't use.

Sorry I only read the X problem part.

Same difference with syslinux:

append "nomodeset" to "APPEND" line in /boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg

Thank for heads up.

Install catalyst? I thought we were trying to fix X. <end sarcasm>

I'll give that a try then.

Edit: Trying to install catalyst raises some dependency issues with mesa. Before I throw mesa and all that out, does installing catalyst somehow actually fix the problem, or are we just going around it? Or is it a diagnostic thing?

Your xserver isn't starting because you have no drivers. Install the drivers and x should start 

3 video drivers are detected by X: radeon, ati, and vesa.

It's looking like it won't properly detect the screen.

I used "Xorg :0 -configure" to make an xorg.conf, put that in the right place, and now X starts, but it's just an unresponsive black void with what looks like xterm in the top left corner. It doesn't react to any input from the keyboard or mouse.

Edit: Nevermind, after a quick change to the conf file, the mouse and keyboard are working fine, it just doesn't draw any text.

Looks like it just needs some more configurating. I think I can take it from here. Thanks for the help.

That's because you don't have a DE or WM. Get one :)

Did you get it working?

i have my arch usb but now im scared. lol

How's it going with the installation, Anarekist?

Everything runs almost perfectly. X, Xfce, networking, all the basics. X seems to stall once in a while, I think that's mostly related to Firefox, though.

Zoltan's KVM guide isn't working for me. The libvirtd service doesn't start for some reason. I haven't looked into it much.

I also have a dual-graphics situation that I should probably work out eventually.

Glad it is (mostly) working. I don't have any ATI cards installed ATM, so I can't vouch for the driver situation.


Want to know an even easier quicker way? antergos. It installs a pre-configured arch system for you with no need for doing anything yourself except for setting the keyboard layout and time and things like that.

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That's no fun. You don't have nearly as much control over how things are configured - you could spend 4 hours installing Arch to your exact liking, with only the absolute most essential modules so that you have one of, if not the most streamlined distro for your needs. Anteragos takes away the connection you have with the internals. Arch lets you know what's going on.

This philosophy translates to pretty much any distro - just depends how much time you're willing to spend on tweaking.

Because I love reinstalling Arch on my laptop. Im going to give antergos a try tonight. If i dont like the way it works (or doesnt work) ill just install arch again.

going to post in here instead of the folding post.

So the problem was secure boot but it dosent stop another issue. 

I have changed USB's changed ports and tried loading different versions on boot. I get to a point where is Press ESC in 5 seconds to skip startup.nsh and whatever I do, It just does nothing.