I have been looking for a replacement for an AMD 7790 in a Dell Precision T3500. My son plays Skyrim with a lot of mods, I dunno, there could be about 45 or so, and the MSI on screen display reckons it uses 1.82GB of ram sometimes. Originally I saw on Bit Tech that a 1GB 7850 is all you need (which if my vram usage is reliable, looks like nonsense), so have been looking at 2GB 7850 and the 2GB GTX660.
However, the GTX660 has some kind of issue with using more than 1.5GB Vram according to Anandtech...where is you use over 1.5gb the final 512mb uses a bandwidth of 48GB/S (this is what it says in the review).
Obviously that is going ot be useless for us...particularly in Skyrim.
Anyone got any background info on this and would the 7850 be a better buy ?
On BF4 we get 100% GPU usage at 1920x1080 everything maxed except the deferred AA is off, using about 1.6-1.7 of VRAM and CPU usage never goes over 70% on any given core.
The rest of the machine is 12Gb 1333 DDR3, Intel Xeon X5650, 6 cores, 12 threads, Vertex 4 on SATA 3 PCI-e Card, 2GB Toshiba HDD and currently the MSI 7790 2GB. Monitor is Samsung S24C570L and is calibrated for photo work.