QuakeCon 2015 - Tek Syndicate Group

Yeah I'm in! Registered in seat A34-8 as "LarryTek7 -- [Tek Syndicate]"


I got in! Waiting to see another Tek Syndicate tag before I grab a seat.

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I'm in!!! A34-5

This is going to be awesome guys (and girls)!!! So glad this is happening! I wonder if we have to do something special so all out squares are the same color. I know you can edit your registration info, I already did that to add the brackets into the the [Tek Syndicate] tag


I am in A33-6


we are around the A33 & A34 area with [Tek Syndicate] as group name


A34-7. I'm in!!


So far I count 7 of us (counting DANGEROUSGIRL over on the NOC) This is awesome guys. Can't wait!!! I'm gonna print a nice big banner at work, dunno if we can hang it, but I'm sure as hell gonna try!


Seat claimed!


Bio, you can edit your registration info and add the brackets on the group tag if you want that same pretty blue color the rest of us have ;)


I see the Tek BYOC group :)


Cya in 126 day's :)


DG :)


Tag fixed I'm so excited!!!


As of this posting, there are about 50 packages left for this wave! GO GET'EM!!!

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This weeks package sold out out this morning. That means the last chance you will have to Register for the BYOC room is this next coming Wednesday, March 25th! The April 1st date is for the event & swag pack only, not for the BOYC room.

Anybody in South Carolina that wants to road trip?

only thing stopping me is the cost of a hotel... but if somone wants to split a cheaper room, i'd go for it. road trip from MN. (HINT HINT @NJM1112)
there's a $50/night hotel... it's called the dallas grand hotel... anyone from dallas have any thoughts?

Yeah if there is any one in south texas would wants to road trip tet me know

Dallas Grand Hotel should be fine as long as you have a vehicle, it's not very far from the event, but it's definitely not within walking distance and a taxi might be expensive.

I live about 20 minutes straight north of the event, so I could give someone a ride from their hotel if they had no other transportation, but realistically I don't want to have to drive all over Dallas haha.

Ah, Quakecon... not really my thing, but I do live in Dallas, so perhaps I'll visit. Good to know. You people are alright.

But just alright.

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Hi Commissar,

Check out Roommate Thread :)

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yeah, most of those want the same hotel... i just want it to be within, say, 20 minutes driving time, lol