QNIX 30-55hz Freesync Range (and Howto)

QUIX Curved Mine 40" 4k:
So I've had this monitor for a while and finally decided to mess with the freesync a bit, and I discovered something interesting. It seems the Freesync range can be anything provided the minimal and maximum doesn't exceed 25hz deviation!

Allot of people complain about freesync being too higher range to matter much on some monitors, and that was certainly the case for this monitor which had a range of 48-65! (WAY too high IMO). Now my eyes start getting annoyed with FPS below 50fps, but above that its tolerable given the extra clarity 4k offers, its a nice tradeoff.

Here is how I did the EDID edit, its using the following programs (look at image). I have eliminated the need for any nasty checksum edits with this method. Please note your monitor may have the ranges specified in Block 2, however Qnix use Block 3!

Note: You can skip the INF notepad edit if you like, its just so I can easily identify the driver installed as I was testing quite a few versions.

Thoughts?, well it certainly works to make the image more smooth in the windmill test. I can't tell for sure but having vsync on may reduce tearing when freesync is active. At 25fps the benefit is small but noticeable, feels like 40fps instead of 25-30.

A troubleshooting issue you may encounter is if your monitor starts flickering in some fashion in the windmill test, this means your range deviation is too high, if I try and do a 30hz difference between low-high range it causes this weird flicker every 2-3s.


I forgot to mention, you can extract your EDID with softMCCS, just load it up and go to file > Save EDID As > Choose Filetype Raylar EDID. Now open that file in AW.

There should be a good chance that this can also be adjusted with Custom Resolution Utility https://www.monitortests.com/forum/Thread-Custom-Resolution-Utility-CRU
See the section "Editing FreeSync ranges" on the page.
I've only tried it on one monitor myself, but it should work with most Freesync monitors; within certain limits like you described.

Looks useful. Cheers.

I have settled on 30-55hz for my range atm.