First my machine setup:
- Dual boot ubuntu 18.04/20.04 and windows 10
- RX550 and R9 290 (later one is for pass-through)
- R7 1700X
- 32GB SSD (ubuntu root and /home)
- 128GB SSD (windows 10 (/dev/sdb1-4) and swap(/dev/sdb5) )
- other harddrives…
So my machine broke (File corruption after power loss). I managed to reinstall my ubuntu (updated also during this process from 18.04 to 20.04).
But my installation changed: normally I let my ubuntu install grub separately on the 32GB SSD and link the windows boot loader, found on the 128GB SSD, afterwards. This time I forgot it to do and now my boot loaders are on the same drive: 128GB SSD.
Both systems boot fine, but now the important part:
I want to use my windows 10 system in a vm using the existing 128GB SSD. But when I add the entire drive to the vm only the GNU GRUB shell is visible, no starting of windows. Which was possible before my 32GB SSD corrupted.
I see 2 options:
move my grub install back to the 32GB SSD and reinstall windows bootloader on the 128GB SSD
tell my vm-grub-shell to start windows
on both I have no glue how to do it and much more important how to do research on how to do it.