PWM for fans connected to backplane

I recently bought a Chenbro RM31616. which has a 16 port minisas backplane. The 4x 80mm cooling fans are attached to the backplane. There’s a dipswitch to enable/disable PWM, but I’m confused as to how that works. Is there a temperature sensor on the backplane? I’ve been searching high and low for any sort of documentation on the backplane but i haven’t found it yet.

Here’s an ebay listing for the backplane itself: New backplane 384-31620-3100A0 for RM31616 chassis by Chenbro, 12G 16 ports | eBay

The downloads/documentation from Chenbro’s site don’t appear to apply to the backplane in my specific model.

There’s a port here but I don’t think it’s PWM-related:

Here is the dip switch:

Should I just get a PWM controller and connect the fans that way? I’m not wild about connecting all 4 of them to the motherboard. They’re ~10W Delta fans:

Thoughts? Advice? Thanks!

The JC1 port in your first photo is an I2C port and has indeed nothing to do with fans.

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