Puzzle Pirates to be on Tablets


I don't know about you, but Puzzle Pirates from the outside looks like a game for children. But after I've played it for a while, I got addicted for a few months straight. (Currently, after building my computer, thanks to TS and forum members, I've started some titles with more visuals.)

While the graphics will never challenge any sort of high end graphics card (or low end cpu), the Puzzle Pirates is designed for the content and interesting/different game-play mechanics. You'd have to play the game to understand.

The most interesting news the game has relieved is iOS, Android compatibility. Personally, the only down fall of the game is waiting for a group or crew to assemble before starting a challenge or sailing route. I believe the fact that this new tablet app will enable cross platform game-play will greatly increase the number of pirates, speeding up crew recruitment times.

For questions I have for the community,

Have you ever played the game? I know the game does look like a child infested universe, but maybe you'd consider giving the game a chance if you have never experienced the game (Yes, there are zombies you can kill).

If you have played the game for any extent of time, what do you think about bringing it to the tablet community? I personally think the game will play well on a tablet.

And to those who might not care much for a title which doesn't enable hyper real graphics (which many indie games don't have), what do you think about cross platform games? I've only seen rare titles with mechanics like this. I think it would be cool to have more games enable this feature.

