[PSA]Major windows wifi vulnerability. Patch asap


Wifi driver on windows has vulnerability that allows a remote attacker to hack your shit. Windows has already released a patch. Doesn’t need elevated privileges and the targeted user doesn’t have to click on an exe or link of a site.

Linus said it is akin to running xp while being connected to the internet today without the patch.

@wendell maybe pin this?


Link from the article:
Security Update Guide - Microsoft Security Response Center Microsoft rates it as “less likely” as it does not seem to have reports of it being exploited in the wild, and the attacker needs proximity (because, it’s WiFi…) but does not care that it can be breached thru walls / floors of even secure areas, from insecure / public areas…
CVE link CVE Website

other report: Microsoft fixes hack-me-via-Wi-Fi Windows security hole • The Register


wanna pop [PSA] in the thread title?

I don’t think it’s gonna be pinned, but still, handy for windows laptop users