Is there a simple way to back up or snapshot a fresh install with users, privileges, and basic config and easily restore when i screw something up instead of having to go through the whole setup all over again? Bonus points if it could include storage configurations, not the stored data its self but paths and all that so if i would restore the os drives everything would work like before the issue. Getting frustrated starting from scratch every time.
There is a ‘config.db’ file that contains most of that, it can be saved and used to recover.
There is multiple ways to do config backup on proxmox road maps. But nothing available yet.
I don’t advertise this myself very often, but what you want is probably a configuration management tool like Ansible, and I have an Ansible role that manages at the very least the things you mentioned: GitHub - lae/ansible-role-proxmox: IaC for Proxmox VE clusters..
Setup your role variables with the configs you want, and you can just reapply it on a bare Debian installation.