Pros and Cons of Console Gaming

yeah need pros and cons and don't know too much about console gaming doing a small article for school work about PC vs Consoles and me being a PC gamer I know most about PC gaming and its Pros and Cons and not much about consoles. Oh and don't fight down there please

I found this article kinda compares both. You may or may not agree, but worth checking it out. Click here.


In general, more user friendly

Couch gaming focused (if you want that)

Local multiplayer focused (if you want that)

Somewhat more seamless out of the box media functions


Cost of games and accessories

Limited control options

No ability to upgrade anything but storage capacity

Lack of backwards compatibility with the current generation

Younger user base (more screaming racist 12 year olds in online multiplayer)

Closed eco systems

Intrusive data gathering (ie Xbox Kinect room monitoring)

Then there's the harm the console market does to PC gaming, such as perpetuating the exclusive title strategy, holding back the level of graphics in cross platform games, and of course the perpetuation of poor and/or lazy ports to the PC platform. But, none of that is really a con to the console player (except exclusive titles between consoles), I just thought I'd add it on.

Anyway, that should get you started. There's plenty more you can find by googling around I'm sure.

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no need to worry about hardware requirements
they are cheap
games usually cost a little bit more
you're stuck with the controller they give you and that's it
you can't modify your experience you get what you get. (I.E. no modding no hardware upgrades)

Eh, not totally true. There is always aftermarket stuff, but the layout will typically be similar to the original design. That's pretty much true for mouse and keyboard as well. The advantage of PC is really that you can play with either a controller or mouse and keyboard.

theres things such as game pads and flight sticks as well for the pc :P

yeah knew that already

I'd have to weight this higher than any other entry on the pro/con list. The squealers are multiplying. Not to mention they're rather vocal about their "conquests" with everyone's mother.


I actually have a weird stance on this whole debate, my argument being I love pc gaming, and really don't like console gaming. I used to play a lot of console but then obviously I got a pc. However, the problem with being on a pc, is there's so much to do. At least with a console you knew you were going to game, and you got into that mentality. When I turn on my pc, I don't know if I'm going to be programming, editing, drawing, surfing the web, or gaming. And a lot of time I end up just in a limbo of what to do.

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To be perfectly honest, personally I find consoles more enjoyable. Maybe it's just that I am not as much into games as some others around here. I find if you have what your friends have then that makes the most sense as I'd rather play with them.
There's many other things I do instead of gaming to fill time throughout my week, so I don't see the point of purchasing a PC I would use three times a week at most.

Consoles to me are more casual than PC's
They have a lower price point
Exclusive games

Cost of games
Minors on the service :'(

I will just list what made me stop because the pros will be about the same as everyone else.

  • You have zero control over the system and its features. Sony removed Linux support for the ps3 on a whim.
  • New apps just show up with system updates and are usually permanent.
  • Menus can and will change with no notice.
  • You cannot do simple things like background music in all games but
    maybe the current gen has fixed this.
  • Their software is crap, many times the video editor on the os3
    started generating random sound files in my music library.
  • An official firmware bricked my second ps3, sony actually killed it.
  • Over heating to the point of board warp and desolder killed the first
  • If anything goes wrong you have no way to fix it, no compatibility
    mode, no community mods or patches, no text file editing. NO GRAPHICS
    OPTIINS. You just have to sit and wait, hopefully they fix your problem otherwise you are SOL.
  • Discs, discs everywhere.
  • Pay for online access, including access to the browser and Netflix
    etc if you are on Xbox.
  • Expensive games, with nothing like steam sales, or game deals
  • The browser is so terrible that your phone is better by miles. Miles!

You are renting the hardware from your company of choice. You DO NOT own it.

Edit: I did think of a few more.

When the system has to.update. that is it you do nothing for hour or so it takes to flash a firmware. The entire system.just goes into upgrade mode.

Same for games you have to sit and watch the update download and install before you play

Which leads in to this. The downloads take forever and a day. At least here in Europe. They took forever and not that the internet connection is slow, it was, but it was downloading far below the max speed.

^this and the game prices are the two general cons. Paying extra to play online is just stupid. Also the games are so expensive. Yes the initial difference when the games come out on both PCs and consoles is about 10$, but when you get to GOG and Steam sales, it's just a bit crazy.
Also the no mod is a bit of a downer, since mods can make the user experience a lot better (GTA V FOV) for a certain game/ make games into something completely different (ARMA 2: DayZ)

That's actually not true. You can build a low end gaming pc on par performance wise with the current generation of consoles for around the same price, then also have access to cheaper games, accessories and online multiplayer. Not that there aren't plenty of reasons for someone to prefer console gaming over PC, price just shouldn't be one of them.

Yeah, I guess so. I didn't really look into building a low end one. I've only considered that to run as a sole Arch box.
I guess another thing I prefer is physical games, being able to sell them easily etc.

I guess price is a common misconception haha

It depends on the region that it is in. For Australia it would be better to go with the console for its limited budget which is about 600 AUD bucks more on take while a decent gaming machine in Australia you would have to spend at least 700-800 minimum for a low end one imho. Yes I am Australian and I know Pc parts can be pretty pricey BUT WORTH THE MONEY THAT I BLEW ON IT.

You could (if you were really ambitious and slightly eccentric) buy an Arduino and some stuff and build a custom controller. And write your own software to make it work with your game.

I did say you'd need to be a little eccentric though :P

Yeah I'm Australian myself, go us! You usually see a few games bundled with consoles around gift giving season too. Plus downloading games is painfully slow as I'm sure you'd agree.

some places have Cable internet and some places have the NBN and we don't obviously. at least in my area having ok ADSL2+ unlimited internet is fine by me.

Yeah ADSL2+ unlimited is nice, but they're taking care of our inner city suburbs first, and the new developments are getting it too. But this NBN is still complete trash let's be honest.

apparently my mother was a whore.

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