Project Nada

I've got two of the 960GB Mushkin SSDs and they are worth the money.

How much did they run you? I was looking at the San Disk extreme pro because of it's good reviews and recommendations on the various websites that had it for testing.

375 USD per drive at aaawave. They are on Google's trusted list and had the best price when I looked.

Ok thanks I'll most likely go this route then it's a bit cheaper and I have solid feedback from someone who has actually used it (you).

Wow you're running two of them?

How are yours setup etc. Do you also have an HDD?


Currently I boot from one and use the other as storage. However, I have some additional storage incoming.

Jesus LOL! Yeah I'd say you have "some" storage coming to you lol.

That's not all of it....


OP Edited to reflect new direction of build :)

Well ordered some parts from Amazon today. GPU, CPU, and RAM.

All that's left to buy is a CPU cooler (to get me by until the custom loop is done) and the MOBO. I am waiting on a refund from new egg to order the MOBO.

Let the hating begin, but I decide on a budget conscious AMD build that looks like this:

Before anyone rips me on the case selection, I liked it, and it gives me good airflow and room to grow as I update.

I decided instead of un-necessarily spending $$ on an overkill X99 build, to try a budget build and upgrade as I "need" to. This will give me time to see how Zen plays out as well as the next gen GPU's. I'm also curious how DX12/Vulcan/Mantle will help my setup going forward. Not sure why, but I suspect the 8350 might actually be plenty going forward for "my" uses. I am not a Fanboy by any means this is my first build, but with so many people feeling so strongly against AMD, that kind of pushed me in this direction to be honest. Because then I can put up real world numbers with this CPU/GPU combo in factory form, and over clocked as well.

I would like to thank everyone who has helped me thus far with all my questions via PM and in the open forum. I'm excited to get this underway.

I do plan on doing a custom loop for water cooling in the near future but want to play a little without a custom loop so I can compare differences later on.


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For a large ssd, you could go with this.

Since I will be running Linux I ordered a 240GB Samsung EVO to go with my 3TB HGST HDD. That should be more than plenty to get me by for a while.

I will get more storage as needed instead of spending $$ un-necessarily.

But thanks for the heads up.

If I had the cash (which I don't), I would get one ssd just for linux (wouldn't have to be big), and a second ssd for Windows and games (ideally would be bigger), and then archive type of storage for files and whatnot. Somehting like a 250 gb 850 evo for linux and a 500gb 850 evo for windows and games. That is just me though.

Like I said in the previous post, I'm am going to try running Linux (only) for a bit and see how it goes. I am liking it on my laptop and my wife is loving it on the Macbook pro. If I add windows to dual boot or for a VM then naturally I would do as you suggest. But for the time being I have no need for another SSD for windows.


Just getting this straight. You are going to be dual booting that drive with linux and windows and planning on having your games on the windows partition?

I'm really not sure what the confusion is LMAO........

I will NOT be running windows at all. Going to use Linux as my sole OS for a bit and see how it goes.


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Oh ok. And what of gaming? Just going to be doing it via Linux?

That's the plan. The parts I purchased are compatible if I want to do pass through later on, but for now just Linux for everything.

Still enjoying Cinnamon?

Loving it. So much better than windows lol. And smoother and faster in every respect. On the Mac it flies.