Programming CADish software for numerial methods


First of all I hope this fits in the category. I’m currently employed as a post doctoral researcher, where I’m working on numerical algorithms for solving acoustic problems. During my time as a PhD student I have created a series of C++/MATLAB based libraries for doing acoustic numerical computations including some optimization. All codes are for research purposes and are non-graphical. Therefore, I’m interested in making some GUI like interface for these codes as a fun side project in my spare time. Perhaps, used for teaching in the future.

To start with, I’m thinking basic 2D GUI, where you can draw different shapes, apply acoustic conditions, plot the acoustic field, etc. Similar to what you would do in a CAD program. So, the question is, do you have suggestions to a basic library I can use to do such stuff? Preferably in C++. In general, I’m very new to GUI programming, but willing to use some time learn it.

Thank you in advance.