Problems with degraded drives

I am new here and have bit of knowledge about truenas/ZFS.
It is a bit janky setup, 2 Vdev´s with 3 drives in a RaidZ1, and 2 drives Failed in the 2nd Vdev i tried to replace them and it startet to resilver them but after it finished the Vdev was still degraded. So if somebody has some thoughts about this and would help me it would be very nice. It would be nice if someone helped me directly via discord or some sort.

You shouldn’t be able to resilver because of too few replicas. Losing two drives in a 3-wide Z1 is a fault. And you can’t recover from this state. And if you lose a vdev, you lose the pool.

I’m not sure why it says degraded and not faulted/unavailable…maybe there is more to it we don’t know yet.

two vdevs with a 3-wide Z1 is actually a great and high performance option as far as RAIDZ is concerned. Not so great when losing two drives in a vdev though.

@Malte_Fokken Did you happen to use recertified drives vdev’s?

Erase the good drives and restore from backup

So does anybody want to look over it or schould i just format everything

You lost a VDEV so you lost the filesystem, unfortunately. There isn’t much anyone can do with so much of the filesystem missing.

It’s time to format and restore from backup.