So I've been using a pair of TP-Link Powerline adapters for a couple of years now and they've been awesome. I've never had a single network related problem that was the fault of the adapters. However, today all of a sudden they just stopped working. When I try to find my router through the connections screen all it says is: Unidentified Network - Limited Connection (no internet access). Also, the ethernet light on both adapters is out. So yeah, I'm not really sure where the fault is. Anyone know what the problem could be here?
My bet is that you nicked a wire somewhere. But if not then are you sure your router didn't get (h)/(cr)acked?!
FYI: There seems to be a small rash of router attacks lately. Many of the Linksys E-series routers have a "vulnerability" that's been well documented in the news lately. But here's another one: .
So check your DNS settings in your router (or whatever is acing as your DNS server). You may even want to (re)check your VPN settings (if you have one) as well as making sure your hosts file wasn't modified - though my prediction is that none of that is the culprit.
Then again, maybe your router just needs a reset. Maybe your modem does (too). Or maybe it was reset -- all the way back to factory specs! Have you looked?
Of course, you did say the "lights were out" so I can't say if any of that's normal or abnormal or not since everyone's stuff is different. So my advice would be to do the basics. And step one would be to see if you can get into your routers admin page over a hard-wired Ethernet cord (with all other cords disconnected). If you can do that then the problem would seem to indicate some faulty AC Ethernet line-adapters. (Get power spikes or brown outs? If so, it could account for one or both of those adapters now being burned out.)
Finally, I do want to clear something up. Hopefully, you didn't try something stupid like modding your adapter or even the Ethernet cable(s) to allow "PoE" (Power over Ethernet). FYI: those "adapters" should only allow you to use your buildings AC wiring in place of actual cat5/6 wire and is NOT "PoE" - not even close! I only mention this since some people still seem to be confused about what PoE is. Your adapters are rather the reverse of PoE where you have Ethernet over Power Lines (EoP).
I don't know if that helps or not. That's my 2-cents.