Powering components?

I’m looking for power supply ideas to have myself a minimal effort (no soldering), drop in power solution to run a Zima board and two 3.5" Western Digital 12 TB red drives on my “open air” frame pc case. Is it possible?

The Zima boards, are an enclosed pkg → uses a barrel plug
Those 3.5in drives, could be situated, in an enclosure

My hope is to eliminate 3 individual bricks in favor of one.

Maybe an SFX PSU with a button to jump it and barrel plug adapter from a SATA or molex cable could do the trick. Since the official power supply is rated for just 12V and 3A that should be easy enough to get from a computer power supply.

Or using a Pico PSU with a laptop power brick. That should achieve the same result with a smaller footprint and give you at least one SATA port to add a splitter to.

Can’t think of much else that could give you the option to use both devices at the same time through one power supply.