Power Supplies? WAT?

Hey guys, Starnsworth here.

For a while now I've been putting together and working on a list of PC components and I'm just a few steps from the final stretch of purchasing everything. Considering that most of you here know what you are doing I have come for some final words of advice.

First things first, The component list:

(NB: The words in brackets are the locations of purchase in Aus)

  • $269 Intel Core i5-4670K 3.4GHz 6MB LGA1150 Haswell Boxed CPU (MSY)

  • $37 Coolermaster Hyper-212 EVO Universal CPU Cooler (MSY)

  • $179 ASRock Z87-EXTREME4 Intel Z87 S1150 Motherboard (Umart)

  • $85 Patriot Signature 8GB Kit (4Gx2) DDR3-1600 - PSD38G1600KH (MSY)

  • $89 Crucial M500 120GB SSD (Umart)

  • $95 Seagate SATA3 2TB 7200RPM Barracuda 64mb Cache (MSY)

  • $260 AMD 6950 2Gb x2

  • $82 Bitfenix Shadow ATX case (Umart)

  • $19 ASUS DRW-24D3ST Black 24x DVD-RW Writer (MSY)

For the above build I was told that I should get all the required cables in the packaging along with the items as they are shipped, and the more observant readers will note the lack of PSU, I was told that a 750w PSU would be good to power all of this with room to spare. I'd like to ask if I will have all the cables I need out of the box and what would be a good quality and low price ($<200 AUD) PSU at 750w.
Thanks in advance,


750W PSU will enable you to accommodate all of those components with room to spare. Quite right. It should have all the necessary connectors out of the box. However, there are other means of powering components if it does not, through auxiliary connections (molex adaptors).

Have you purchased the 6950s? I would consider much more up-to-date cards. And probably a single, more powerful card, personally. Less of a headache, lower power requirement.

Yes, I've purchased the cards, simply because someone I know is upgrading and offered to give me the cards for cheap. They'll do everything I want and more and is a massive upgrade to what I'm using now, so I'll be happy with them. I understand that older cards are more power hungry but the mate was running them and more on a 750w so, I think I am okay on that front.


Do you have any suggestions about cheap power supplies that would fulfil my needs?



There are plenty for less than $200 AUS






I would advise purchasing the best PSU that you can afford. Grab something that is gold/platinum rated for efficiency. If you were to grab something cheap, it'll last 6 months before it fries your components. We've all been there and done it lol.

Try to stick to good brands like Silverstone, XFX, Seasonic, higher-end Corsair units. Bronze rated at the very least.

+1 on all of these.

XFX PSUs are rebranded Seasonics.  I have one and it's great.

Power supplies are extremely important in any kind of build.  Skimping on your power supply can lead to a lot of problems and can even lead to frying all your other components.  Here are my tips for shopping for a power supply 

  1. Calculate how much wattage you need here and go over by 50-150W Just to make sure you have some good headroom for expansions and what not.
  2. Check what is on sale by using /r/buildapcsales .  You can find some good sales on there for other components as well.  I understand you're from Australia so here is the same subreddit basically but specifically for Australia.  You can also just go to whatever website you shop on look at the sales or discounts there. 
  3. Check if the power supply is actually good.  Here is a good list from the newegg forums putting most power supply series in tiers.  I recommend staying in between Tier 1 - 2B.  Anything lower is not good.  
  4. See if the Power supply meets your needs. I.e.. Wattage, 80 plus rating, Modularity, Color scheme, silence optimized etc.. etc... 
  5. Order!

Yeah so I hope I helped somehow and if you have any other questions just ask or feel free to PM.  
