Potential FreeNAS Build

What is the best SFF 8-Bay case for a FreeNAS build. My other thought was to just go with an IX FreeNAS Mini XL and pay the extra.

I have the Silverstone ds-380 (I think that's the model) it's a mini itx case and has got 8 3.5" hot swap bays and 4 2.5" internal bays.

OK that is a pretty nice case, noise? Oh and that case is impossible to find right now.

Mobo and Chip recommendations?

OK, Is it worth buying a 8-bay case and only putting a 4-drive (RaidZ2)? So in the future I can add another 4-drive raid for eazy transfer?

The more I look it seems that IX Systems is hard to beat. The 4tb Drives are at a cost of $160, but there is 32GB of ECC ram for $650.

I've got a mini XL and it's pretty nice, I've gotta say.

There are cheaper ones out there, but The Best value tends to lean on Jury Rigging one yourself

I saw there was $500 coupon code a couple of months ago but missed it. It's unforunate that you can't get 16GB RAM option, but it is probably for the best. The likelihood that anyone will find ram 3-4 ys from now for that board is Zero.

Whats the noise like.

the hard drives whirring mostly. I wouldn't put it in a treated listening room, but it isn't a deal breaker in a home theater or reasonable Gaming setup

If you're going to have 4 disks the I'd use mirrors rather than raid6, it's the same redundancy but much better performance.

Does it matter for only a household application? From what I can tell was that RAIDZ2 is Raid6 in ZFS

Yeah but if you only have 4 disks using mirrors rather than raidz2 is a better choice.