Post your Quake champion beta codes

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I have one too.

A -not signing up on Bethesda
B -not into whatever trash they are pawning off as quake.
C -not installing another useless launcher.


Claimed :slight_smile:


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Go for it.


This is what I love about this community, you guys all thought about the others on here first and posted the codes no requirements or anything. I'll post mine up if i get the 3 codes from the second account I registered, as it stands now though the other 3 are already claimed though

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Here are my codes if anyone wants them. Remember the game has a NDA so you cannot distribute media outside their private forums. Also, this week will have all the characters unlocked.

@net200777 You should change the title to "Post your Quake Champion closed beta codes".

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I also have some codes

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