Post What Books You Have

Yeah I have burned through most of the good stuff, been branching out a lot more, also trying to do 1 pleasure and 1 history / informative

I can recommend the making of the atomic bomb was a good “read”

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What is the difference between the Certified DevOps and AWS Certified Solutions?

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First off, I messed up! That book was the Archive, Legacy of Blood is the first book. It has four total!

Certified Solutions goes through all the services that AWS provides. It’s the “first cert” in the AWS path.

Then, there is Developer, DevOps, and SysOps. Developer goes over web services and applications, so deploying software, Lambda, things like that. DevOps goes through CloudFormation, Elastic BeanStalk, the “DevOpsey” stuff. SysOps goes over the security and networking, plus all the other stuff. It’s the hardest of the three, I’ve read.

Then there’s the Architect, which is basically building the best of the best.

They have niche exams, too. Like Advanced Networking, Securing AWS, etc. But those want the big certs as a prereq, I think.

Also @AnotherDev I listen at 1.25 read speed so also kind of shortens my longer books.

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Ah, makes sense. That’s how I watch Linux Academy and Udemy lmao.

I might have to look into the DevOps and the Certified Solutions. I use those things you listed in my job.

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For my shitty classes they use and i watch those a 1.7 those guys talk so fucking slow (wouldnt recommend them, but my school uses them so no real option)

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Yup, same. It’s good to have. There is an entire recruiting/consulting firm nearby that specializes in JUST AWS engineers. So the market is really good. Padding the resume with certs never hurts. Hell, even if you read the book and learn the material without taking the test it’ll still do you a world of good, imo.

Damn, that’s rough. It’s better than sitting in the class live, though :grin: Being able to fast forward, I mean.

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buks r gey


Eh I get paid for going to school from my Post 9/11 GI bill so its not a big deal, also its more of a checkbox to get my degree as I already have 10 years exp

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Your mother had no complaints when I read to her last night.

Octothorpe bucket list. I can relate. The college administration was always telling me the starting salary for my degree and I would have to tell them “I make more than that now…” lul.



Yeah guy teaching my CEH class was like you can expect to start at 55-65k in this area and I was like god damn that would suck I came out the military and was making more then that, with just 4 years exp. But enough sidetracking

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shed probably like that a lot. you should call her.

Sorry to disappoint, am brainlet. School made me hate reading, so I rarely read.

My library:

Although I do have these:

The Jobs one is in Russian coz it’s my dad’s, I read it coz gotta know your enemy :smiley:

But let’s be real the only book that matters is:


Out of curiosity why did you choose to purchase/get that e-reader over say the Kobo, Nook, Kindle, etc.?

TL;DR: Didn’t want to get kindle coz I don’t wanna support amazon +DRM. Couldn’t get Kobo without shipping. This one was available local and has great stats. I can upload books unto it without any DRM.

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Blum writes as if he were writing the old testament haha. We have ULSAH and PCSA in common. Where’s your Silberchantz? CI/CD pipeline building? And what on earth are you going to do about debugging? :wink:


This ^ is why you are one of my favorite L1erds

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Here’s my Kindle library, I’ll take photos of the physical books when I get home from work and it’s daylight. Edit: some of these are yet to be read.