Post here to tell staff you want a BSD section

“Wait your turn, you’ve spoken more than once in the last five minutes.”

“You’ve responded to redgek more than three times. Perhaps you should get a room and find a quiet place to chat.”

Sorry I have friends, you garbage dynamic type casting bloated piece of shit.

  • My primary OS is a BSD variant
  • I use a BSD variant
  • I don’t use any BSD
  • BSD? isn’t that some weird fetish thing?

0 voters

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I tried FreeBSD both on real hardware and VMs. I wanna try OpenBSD for server some time.


Not my primary, don’t know how to get a few more things working. But I use it several times a week.


Ayyy. I used FreeBSD to at one point. It was pretty cool. Loved the ports system.


I use OPNSense as my home router


If we don’t get our own section, we need to spam the Linux section with X_BSD How-To Guides.

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I see you enjoy the work of thieves

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trigger all the *nix spergs at once


“But thur ain’t none supports 4 fReEBSD”

Write your own support, scrub.


I’d be down to try BSD if I find it interesting in the topics.

This is exactly why I stepped away from Linux after fiddling with Fedora 14 back in the whenever that was.
If our community makes OpenBSD look interesting and informative, I’d be support it!

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no, im just not a cuck

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Who watched the full version of Wendell’s L1T AMA thread?

Did he say if he would get Jude back for another video? That would totally, maybe, help the BSD section, if we get one.

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I don’t know the context behind this, but this is funny lol

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BSD, ZFS, High Availability, superior networking.

We would need those subsections of the BSD section.


Lol they forked pfsense, squashed the commits, then tried to steal the pfsense brand.

Think HA should get its own section though? Like under enterprise?


Sounds like what RMS and crew did to BSD back in the day


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not fair, they bloated that software with --version and shit

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