That's the picture. Our wifi shouldn't even be working right now (I unplugged it). I live in the country and the neighbors houses are a good bit away. Nobody in this house owns a mac, I don't know a marion, jim or chery and the Lucifer666 is just weird so I think it could be a virus, any help is greatly appreciated.
yea they could have root access already or router control. I suggest creating a new workgroup if you're on windows. Also if your router is change it to and have all your other computers on that 0.1 subnetwork )like 192.168.0.x etc). I would also update your router's firmware and also change the default login on your router and modem.
It also could be someone in your house is trying to learn networking and making virtual PC with Virtualbox/VMware or some other stuff. Routers (with usb sticks) to cellphones or something could be on your network. Say someone renames your router from ASUS to Devil etc..
I really have no idea how to go about doing any of those things you recommended. How does a virus like this occur? It was on the other computer too. I'm really worried now...
it just means there's people accessing your network. If they aren't you, your family etc. Or renamed routers in your house it's probably unwanted people. Change your wifi password if you can't do any of this. and also change your workgroup as a start.
Also on your router find out the mac address filtering option. Find our all the celphones, PCs, SmartTV that is connected to your router and record their mac address, then only allow those to access the wifi.
ooo, but I disconnected my wifi and there are no other cords other than my computer and 1 other. I also live out in the middle of nowhere and don't think it would be my neighbors because their houses are 100+ feet away. Is it impossible for this to be a virus? I would definitely prefer it being my neightbors being scumbags over a virus.
While I have never heard of any incident like this, it is definitely not impossible for it to be a virus. Routers DO get compromised and it is not uncommon with serious security vulnerabilities in routers. I don't know why you would use such an opportunity to show fake troll computers in your network when there is so much else that you can screw with (really seriously).
I am not saying it has to be a virus in your router but if it is, it is pretty bad. If your router has actually been compromised it's game over and you should probably not use your router at all to be safe, alternatively, use a VPN. Remember that someone who has root on your router can see all your traffic, intercept it, route it however they want and modify any unencrypted data just how they want. This could lead to other devices being infected (as if it wasn't bad enough already). If this is the case you need to re-flash your router with secure firmware (not using the web interface if you really want to be safe) or simply buy a new router.
It could also be a computer on your network that is acting as multiple clients ( like when you use a virtual machine and bridge the network adapter). If you don't know anyone in your house that would set up a bunch of and give them weird host names, it could be a computer in your network that has been compromised (e.g. with a virus) and is now doing this. You could check by disconnecting devices from your network one by one and see if the problem persists, eventually you would find the device that is causing it.
These are the only reasons that I can think of unless their is actually unauthorized computers on your network (e.g. your neighbours).
What brand of Router are you using? The view (pic) you showed is from Windows correct?
Have you "reset" the router back to default settings (usually kicks everything and everyone off) and see if that clears it up? - Change the wifi password after resetting to something new.