Podcasts removed from Level 1 Floatplane feed?

I heard a nasty rumor that the Level 1 Podcast(s) are no longer going to be available for Floatplane subscribers. Is this true? If so I’ll need to modify my subscriptions.

Also, where would I find out such news in the future, assuming it’s true?

? That’s not true. Patreon & floatplane have the same benefits.

Just ping me here on the forum and I’ll let you know what’s up

Update: I confirmed with everyone, this isn’t true. Level1 has the same benefits for both platforms


i think as a subscriber you would be informed in good time to any changes that might affect your subscriptions by both floatplane and level1techs.

at the minimum floatplane itself would probably want to give you 1 month notice, just to avoid refunds and chargebacks.
in the event of an instant break then its floatplane who will handle subscription issues not level1.

that being said there is possible outside interference on the way in that floatplane is a canadian company providing hosting and streaming for podcasts so could soon be subject to the new canadian data laws that will see content banned from canada.
with floatplane nor level1techs having any say on the matter.


all that being said go read the tos on floatplane, it will define the terms of your subscription, and its not that long a read. (hopefully :wink: )

I like the fun titles you guys create for the L1 News Show on YT. Can you think of any way to integrate them on the Floatplane version?

Hmmmm I’ll check with them :slight_smile:

Thank you for the confirmation! I suppose I shouldn’t listen to random comments in the Floatplane videos.