Plex backup

Hi, As per the screenshot below I have about 14TB of plex data that is running via an external raid enclosure over 2x 8TB iron wolf NAS drives. The enclosure isn’t running raid as I personally don’t like RAID. Also RAID isn’t a backup. I am becoming increasingly aware of how much time and effort would take to rebuild this plex library. I don’t want to back up to the cloud as again I don’t really like cloud storage, it’s much too slow and my data is in a corporation’s hands. What’s the best method? Just buying as cheap per GB HDDs and copying it all? As these Backups will be left unplugged 99.9% of the time and hopefully never be needed is there any need to get NAS drives? would a NAS drive store “cold” better? What’s the lifespan of an HDD full of data not being used?

I would note the plex server is on a windows PC I “could” daisy chain another external raid enclosure and have it occasionally back up its sister drives?

in your example yes, the lowest cost per gb drives you can get in a similar amount of data to store your backup. i would also suggest storing them in one of those fireproof storage boxes in the opposite side of your house from your server when they are not in use.

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