I'm off on a 60+ hour drive across the country in a few weeks. There is no radio in a majority on the areas I'll be in, so I need something to keep me entertained.
I enjoy most music, from metal to classical, electronic to country. Only things I don't enjoy are screamo & pop.
What are some good driving albums? or even good audio books?
if you want audio only, http://keepvid.com/ is useful. i use it to watch the tek. very quick and easy +free. you can download the tek episodes as several different types of audio files. getting the urls from the tek and clicking download will take longer then then actual download.
also for audio books, what genre/s are you looking for? fiction? non fiction? any particular topics? do you have any authors you enjoy?
Check out MDK! He makes EDM that I personally think is really good and all of his music is available on his website for free (The format is MP3) He has about 4 albums as well, so plenty of music to add to a playlist!
no idea about disc world. have you read/listened too empire or any of the other orson scott card books? long earth series by pratchett? heinland stuff? r r martin also made a rather good sci fi book "tuf voyaging", and ofc game of thrones. if you like the classic historical, you can get julius ceaser by Shakespeare and read about how he made a castle around a city he was attacking and fought 2 army's both "inside" and outside the castle while out numbered 5 to 1. my historian brother in law recommends conqueror by conn iggulden and the rest of his work. and somewhat historical is the historian by Elizabeth Kostova which is a book about a historian following the life and work of her father also a historian to try to learn about his death and what he discovered that maybe got him killed. bit slow but worth it in the end.
You only need one song: Proclaimers - I'm gonna be 500 miles!
But seriously. For podcasts I can recommend The Podquisition from and with Jim Sterling, Laura K. Buzz and Gavin (Miracle of Sound). They talk about video games and news about them, but also about lots of other (and sometimes "inappropriate") stuff. Also about video games: TotalBiscuit's Co-optional Podcast is good too (and very long).