So ive caught an interest . . . Computers. About a month ago, I couldnt tell the difference between a GPU and CPU, yet alone know what they even did. And then, like an angel falling from the heavens and blessing me with the knowledge of the universe, I discovered TekSyndicate; along with LinusTechtips, and a few other tech youtubers. It is like an online college corse with these guys seriosuly. Ive learned more about computes on youtube than all 4 years of HS.. Ok, all jokes aside, ive always enjoyed using computers, but ive recently discovered how much potential there actually is with a decent setup. As easy as it would be to simply order a pre-built rig from CyberPower, whats the fun in that. Plus I get to learn some new stuff along the way by building my own. Ive heard that it is fairly simple to put together a PC, but im not super tech savvy, and as much as i'd like to believe its "just like LEGOs", I get the feeling its a bit more complicated. . SO, here is what I have put together so far. Let me know what you think, and/or if anything is incompliable and what not.
CASE- Corsair 600T
CPU- Intel Core i7-3770K Quad-Core Processor 3.5 GHz 8 MB Cache LGA 1155
GPU- EVGA GeForce GTX 670 SuperClocked 4096MB
PSU- Corsair AX 850 watt
COOLING- Corsair H80i
MEMORY- Corsair Vengeance 16GB (2x8GB) DDR3 1600 MHz
STORAGE- Western Digital 1TB caviar black & Samsung 250 GB SSD (for boot)
I realize that this might be a bit overkill for a first time build, but hey.. go big or go home right. Please let me know what you think, i'd love to hear anyones opinions/feedback. Thanks!