Pirate party

Hey guys me and my friend have just seen this on the internet and thought it was worth a mention, their ideas seem to be solid and very interesting: https://pirateparty.org.uk/

Pirate parties in Europe is old thing and they tackle important aspects of politics that traditional parties/ideas completely ignore (although the pirate party ideas are far from complete as a political proposal)). Unfortunately their momentum seem to fade recently except maybe in Germany, since (at least as far as i understand) the pirate party there has a much more complete and mature idea of political action than the rest.    

Im quite close to Pirate Party here in Czech republic and its true, that its not one of the biggest parties we have, unfortunatelly. But on the other hand, it seems that more and more people starting to take it seriously. You know, back then, few years ago, it was seen as some kind of anarchy/joke group of young people who care doing their stuff on the internets. Some time and elections later, when they almost got their chair in goverment, people starting to realize that it might be an alternative even for older population who is fed up with all the corruption and old guys just changing their suits to candidate for new party.

Im quite disapointed that pirate party from Sweeden is loosing the momentum it gained during Pirate Bay trial. But i guess it all comes down to people not caring too much.

I haven't heard much from the pirate party UK recently, then again maybe that because ive not looked them up, they don't seam to get much news attention which is odd considering the kind of technology related anti-citizen laws that have been proposed recently and in the news.

In Scotland they have basically no power and no manpower to make a difference. That said there still worth supporting.

Also go see and support https://www.openrightsgroup.org/ - the UKs EFF.