Pine64 support experience / Broken PinePower Desktop

Has anyone here had experience with Pine64’s support ticket system? I bought a PinePower Desktop and it arrived last week with a cracked screen. Ticket has been open for a week now with no response. I don’t want to open this thing up and attempt repairs before they get back to me so I was wondering if anyone here had experience with customer support from them?

If I don’t hear back from them by Monday next week I am going to just put a Paypal claim in to get my money back but I would really prefer to not escalate this to that point.

Pine just got back to me and said they would just send me a new one. Fingers crossed that it shows up undamaged. They did not request I send the old one back so I will take it apart and see if I can get a replacement screen for it.

A little annoyed it took so long to get a response but if they send me a new one like they said I will be happy.


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