Picking an OS to update the servers firmware

I have been trying to update my servers firmware, but I cannot get any OS to install on my server.
I have already successfully installed truenas scale on there, so it should not be a problem, as long as I can get the ISO properly installed to an USB thumb drive for installation. I would prefer not to play with CD/DVD’s, since I would have to pull a machine out of mothballs to burn those.

IBM provides a couple of options, including windows server, and some linux enterprise servers.

For me, the point would be not to pay for the OS just use it to update the firmware, for two servers, once.
Here is the IBM’s page, but I am going write the options here
-windows server
-SUSE linux enterprise server 10 and 11
-Red hat enterprise 7,6,5 and 4
And VMware ESX 4

I think Wendell mentioned also some free trials on the Forbitten router, for RHEL. Is there a relativly easy way to try that as well?
The only one I could find availlable ISO is SUSE enterprise server, of those supported by the IBM’s updateXpress. That would be SLES 11 SP4.

Here are some specs
IBM X3550 m3 (7944)
2x XEON E5506
32gb of RAM
SAS/SATA drives

And here are the details on the systems current firmware levels
SVR2 (the more up to date)

Host Firmware (UEFI)
Version 1.08
Build ID D6E148BUS
Build date (AM. 06/25/2010 /Others 25.06.2010)

IMM (integrated management module)
Version 1.48 YU00G8C
Date 14.04.2015

Ver. 3.10
Build ID DSYT70X
Build date 12.06.2010

SVR1 (more out of date)
This unit currently has 48gb of RAM, and issues with the detection of the IMM. Which leads to relativly long boot time compared to SVR2. And is missing a fan…
Not great, since it too has two CPUs

Host Firmware (UEFI)
Version 1.08
Build ID D6E148BUS
Build date (AM. 06/25/2010 /Others 25.06.2010)

Ver. 1.14
Build ID YU0073M
Build Date 22.06.2010

Ver. 3.10
Build ID DSYT70X
Build date 12.06.2010

The issue is that IBM tool only allows updates on certain operating systems, and all of them are currently out of my reach
And also, the idea for this project was to do it without paying for software licensing etc.

RHEL is free under their developer program for individuals. All you need to do is register for an account and you can run 16 instances at no cost.


I’ll give it a try, once I get back home
Since I was not able to take that with on vacation for over 2000km by car

Thank you @Four0Four


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I do quite a bit with IBM/Lenovo servers in my job, so let me give you a tip regarding firmware updates. You can use the Bootable Media Creator (BoMC) to create an ISO with firmware updates on your local system, then you simply mount the ISO on the server and it will automatically install the firmware updates.

For your server this version appears to be the one to get - IBM Bootable Media Creator (BoMC). The BoMC software can run on Windows or redhat/centos, I usually make it in a VM. If you can’t get the windows version working you may need to run the linux version on a CentOS 6 system (free version of RHEL). You often need to pass the machine type and target OS to BoMC so it builds the right firmware, read the documentation and it should be pretty simple. (I’m guessing it’ll be 7944).


My plan honestly was to just use truenas scale as a base, which I got working
But with SLES, another problem has been that I cannot get the dowloaded ISO to bootable media format
Have been using balena etcher

this is the major roadblock At the moment, any ideas?
I won’t be able to try those out before the 11.7. thought, since I am still on vacation

You what now?
What stops you from simply using BOMC?

Which downloaded ISO? BOMC isn’t an ISO, it’s just an executable. You run it (if windows - as admin, iirc), enter the MTM and it will download all the packages and build you a bootable ISO. Which you then boot your server from. It’s all ridiculously automated.
So, which step doesn’t work for you?

And just to be pedantic, you can run BOCM on any computer you have. Even an old Windows desktop.

This is honestly the first time I have heard about it.
Thanks for the tip!

Dude, @cowphrase gave you the same link above. =)
I would probably recommend to use Lenovo version instead: IBM basically dropped System X support a while ago (at least officially), the old tool may have certificate issues when downloading updates. The principle is the same: you run it, select the MTM, tell it what kind of bootable ISO you want (just an update CD/DVD or packaged with DSA, configured for unattended update, cli/gui, etc.), it downloads all the firmware the server may possibly need (officially - don’t expect it to get you firmware for some weird PCI card absent from any interop table or support document), and it creates a bootable media for you.

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sorry, on vacation, and have not been able to test that…
So I was little confised, thinking about the stuff I had done before the vacation…

I got home, and got to try it

Xclarity EBMC V-12.5.0-01j

It gets stuck on page 11, DSA
After that it displays the following warning
“Error(s) occurs while downloading!
Error message:bomc process error”

I was installing it onto one Kingston 32gb 3.0 USB-drive


I got the installation media to an USB drive
I first did just an ISO, and then made the installation media with the BoMC directly after it.

Currently, I got stuck on a boot/spaslh screen, where it reads

Booting 'BoMC for IBM system'

Loading linux img2a...
Loading linux img3a... Please wait...
Loading complete
error: no suitable video mode found.
Booting in blind mode

This behavior happens every time I boot from the installation media, and does not proceed anywhere for the 2h I left it running

Any ideas?

You can setup BoMC to automatically perform updates when booting, just pass the option “–autorun”. Also what options are you passing to the BoMC cli? There are some examples at the bottom of this page - Lenovo Systems Management.

(FYI your platform type is most likely “7944”).

Also you might try searching for your error, there are people getting similar issues on similar hardware. ESXi 5.5 boot issues with an IBM x3650 M2 2U server | ServeTheHome Forums

Just to be sure, you mean the BoMC GUI? I have not tried the CLI, since I am not actually that familiar with windows Command prompt
I ll try to force it to use the legacy video mode
Let’s see, if it works
(I’ll update this message)

Ah, you should find a similar option in the GUI.

Yes, my platform is 7944, I should have put that onto the start of this thread
My apologies

Herte are the settings
4. Targeted systems
IBM X3550 M3 7944
5. media purpose
6. Acquire location
-Lenovo support websites
-UpdateXpress System pack
Media format
Write directly to device
9. Confirm choises

I was not able to see any legacy video mode inside the BoMC GUI
Any ideas

I posted a link in my previous post, you should give it a full read - ESXi 5.5 boot issues with an IBM x3650 M2 2U server | ServeTheHome Forums. The TL;DR is that to change the Legacy Video Support option in the BIOS of the server.

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Apparently, I cannot scroll down enough
Allright, sorry, I should have read deeper,
And I honestly mean it, since I know the frustration of not reading the linked article
At the moment, I just have a lot of things

Allright, managed to get it past the last problem
Heres the next one

The Server now just outputs the following

/ tmp /jq: / lib64/libc.so.6 version 'GLIBC_2.14 not found (required by /tpm/jq 

So, I would guess this has to do with something temporary, from my limited linux knowledge, the liveboot, and it is missing a 64 bit version of some directory, which seems to be the GNU linux C-languages standard directory
I guess it is time to start trying to get that to work
But any farther I cannot get this without trying to start jabbing shadows

This is kinda out of reach of my own knowledge