PHP PDO Prepared Statements: How to auto-generate the SQL statement?

So in PDO using PHP, you can prepare a SQL statement for a few benefits. Those being better efficiency, and protection against SQL injection.

When you prepare an INSERT INTO statement, you do something like this:

INSERT INTO table (fielda, fieldb, fieldc, fieldd) VALUES (?,?,?,?)

You would then bind the parameters, which would go where the ? are as they are placeholders.

What I am trying to think of is a neat way to auto-generate the string of ?,?,? when I don't know what the number of fields will be. The only way that's coming to mind (since I'm still pretty new at PHP scripting) is to do a foreach to count the number of keys in an array, then produce the ? based on that.

I feel like PDO would have a thing for this, but my research (aka, googling) hasn't produced any results.

So my question is literally just "how can I count the number of things in an array, then produce placeholder ?'s for them in a string." I could probably find a stackexchange page for that question if I could figure out how to word it better.

You can use count() to get the size of an array. You may want to look at implode() which will concatenate the values of an array into a string for you.

The following code has not been run, may contain errors:

$input = ['first_name" => "Tom", "last_name" => "Jones"];
$count = count($input);
$statementValues = implode(',', array_fill(0, $count, '?'));
// ?,?

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That is very useful, thanks. I had known about implode, but not of count or array_fill.

This is how I'm currently doing it:

// Selects a single record from the fetched Assoc Array.
$_Record_Dump = $_Fetched_Assoc_Array[0];
// Produces the needed format for the columns for the prepared statement.
$_Columns = implode("`, `", array_keys($_Record_Dump));

// Creates the needed number of ? for the prepared statement.
foreach ($_Record_Dump as $_KeyRecord => $_Record)
	$_VALUES_Qs[] = "?";

// Creates the INSERT INTO SQL query as a single large query.
$_Prep_Insert_Selected_SQL = "INSERT INTO dataforms (`" . $_Columns . "`) 
	VALUES (" . implode(", ", $_VALUES_Qs) . ")";