Phaselockedloopable- PLL's continued exploration of networking, self-hosting and decoupling from big tech

Yeah, I’d rather ppl don’t troll at all or maybe have a troll section for ppl to play. Walled off like the politics section, so regular people don’t get splashed on.


Here’s the deal bucko, OP asked you to stop. You can either stop or get a vacation. Your choice.


I’m all for & contribute to open source - all info is helpful.

Your choice of firewall is the same as mine - I run OPNsense with libreSSL libs (on AMD)


please contribute something useful.

anyway I’m already on vacation

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Speaking of it, wan’t there some drama between pfsense and opnsense? I recall reading through something like this and it put me off using either of them.

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I think so? Not sure. I dont pay attention to hard to coding drama queens. Especially when it comes with the many variables of my license justify me getting angry part. (Same issue I have with GPLv3 which I find to be utter cancer to free software). BSD license I like the most or MIT.

GPLv2 is good for my personal messing around. If I were to create something more widespread it would be BSD or MIT.

Its nearly always a waste of time for me to bother myself with warring parties. I rather just be pragmatic and make sure I get things integrated and finished.


Seemed more like jokes that were taken too seriously from my 10k ft overview of the situation.


What?? On the Intenet?? :open_mouth:


I summarised OPNsense differences here

I use OPNsense because it’s open & based on Hardened BSD with the option to run libreSSL instead of OpenSSL.

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It just reflected badly on both projects in my view, I really don’t like the idea of having my LAN rest on a bunch of peoples software that get bent out of shape or, if I recally the accusations correctly, asset flip OS software.
The license thing doesn’t matter too much to me, changes with mood and project really.



I feel sort of the same. I get really sick and tired of the free software community members that are like this. Look say if I am maintaining a project and I think your code is bad. Im going to say it and not care if you get bent out of shape. Bad code is bad code. Dont waste my time trying to argue that it fixes something if its “bad” quality leads to way too many other issues so to speak. Dont reinvent the wheel either. I dont care too much about the “ethics” of the FSF either. Think of me more like the Torvalds is to the RMS… I really dont like RMS in fact lol I quite despise him. IMHO he says things to stay relevant with his cult following. He no longer develops. Hes just sort of a politician (pawn) and he doesnt see how he has become this. I am sorry if this opinion bothers some folk

I wish projects would just fork peacefully and do their own thing and not go full pink noise reeeee when another project does something cool. This is the point to innovation in coding. Someone can do something amazing. They can fork it. You can look at what they did. Take some inspiration. This is how it should be but if internet forums are any models for communities… the software communities can and largely are not much different. They can get bent out of shape on non issues and I find that unproductive and a total waste of time.

TLDR. I hate the look they created too. I use the tool for the project I am on. Closed or Open doesnt ultimately matter too much to me. I like exploring different solutions though.

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they didnt just say opnsense was shit. they made a spoof domain using their name and then said it was shit. maybe a little too far.

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Something about adolf hitler too? I think. LOL god I am laughing at it just reading about it. What a bunch of boobs

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I dont remember the specifics of what it said. There was a lawsuit over it and the domain was handed over to opnsense as a result.

I want to say it was when they were using or something of the sort.


Seems like a low-effort troll even. They could have at least done a Downfall video…


yeah thats what I am reading

In 2016 one of the Netgate/pfSense developers took over the domain to insult the competing project. For a time the displayed a “satirical” video from the movie Downfall (depicting the final days of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany). The site was full of vulgar language describing the OPNSense software. This ended after WIPO ruling:

In November 2017, a World Intellectual Property Organization panel found that Netgate, the copyright holder of pfSense, had been using the domain in bad faith to discredit OPNsense, a competing open source firewall forked from pfSense. It compelled Netgate to transfer the domain to Deciso, the developer of OPNsense.

LMFAO… Mistakes were made


Oh, so they did do a Downfall video… Never mind.


listen here u lil shit



Yeah in the end I pay attention to the software quality opposed to the project politics although one can often sour the other one for me. I do however take a more strict stance on closed software, it’s just that the license of specific OSS is usually not that important to me.

On another note, how will you use your Jellyfin? Is it just something you will manually put stuff on or will you auto feed it from, say a reciever card?

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