pfSense noob

Hey guys,

I am just getting started with pfSense and have ran into a bit of an issues that is probably user error or a misunderstanding. I cannot get my local dns to resolve.

I have tried to use host overrides, but I believe this will not work because I am using multi level subdomains (I am not sure the proper term). For example my wikijs would be: , PfSense wont let me type that in. I believe it is because PfSense is a DNS resolver not a DNS server (I maybe wrong on why exactly).

Am I missing something In PfSense that would give me that function of being a DNS server? I have seen that there is a bind gui package, but I have never used bind and I am not to sure where to start with bind. Like what prior knowledge I need.

I am also thinking about just using PI-hole for dns and ad blocking. Could I use both pihole and pfblockerNG? Pihole for dns and adblocking and pfblockerNG for geo-blocking.

Any information or suggestions are appreciated.

You can use host overrides, your host would be wikijs and your domain would be

You can go with as many subdomains you wish, host is always your left most subdomain, and domain is the rest.