Hi, I am having problems with my firewall. We constantly experience drops in our internet connection. Somebody pointed out to me about a patch for Captive Portal since I am running them. But they are in a separate network. Here’s my logs:
Either your pfSense box is getting overloaded and/or having hiccups, or whatever it’s connected to.
Do you see any ethernet interface errors on either end?
I was thinking about that, but when I checked the utilization of my CPU is just 3%. Somebody from the netgate forum pointed out that it was a problem with 2.6.0 version and I’ve run the patch he mention but the problem hasn’t been solved.
I had a similar issue. Turned out to be a faulty patch cable between the modem and pfsense.
If It’s a DIY box, since 2.6 I had Realtek NICs fail super hard. Starts with high latency as soon as there is some notable traffic.