PFSense 2.4 upgrade?

Anyone here running Pfsense 2.4 yet in a home environment?
Thinking of jumping on the beta train but wanted to see if anyone had good or bad experience with it so far for my setting.

I am currently running 2.3.2-RELEASE-p1 on my pfSense box but will likely check out 2.4 either in a VM or a spare baremetal machine. I don't feel like running beta versions of software in a production environment, even if it is a home network.

Yea i don't like how on their roadmap they don't have a timeline for release like freenas 10 does.

I've got 2.4 running in a VM on my main machine now, I'll play around with it and see how it goes.

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Appreciate it

Is there a change log for 2.4 anywhere?

This is pretty much all I could find on it:

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There might be a reason for that. I don't know about anyone else, but pfSense has always been rock solid for me. The few bugs that existed in 2.3 didn't affect me at all, but FreeNAS has been a shitshow. There's an update pending currently that has broken a large number of machines and as far as I've looked, hasn't been fixed. Fortunately, there's an easy way to use older versions of FreeNAS, but it just doesn't seem to have the polish that pfSense has. I upgraded to 2.3 the day it was released stable and had zero issues, while I've had to roll back FreeNAS once or twice.

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Yea I think I saw that issue with Freenas 10. They have fixed it according to Hubbard on a forum post. PfSense is great and they probably do have their reasons for no timeline on their roadmap but would be cool but I guess when you are late on a release the forum probably fills up with WTF? posts an such.

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I should clarify, the current issue, which is largely being ignored in the FreeNAS forums, is related to 9.10. A bunch of people had to revert to older versions when the upgrade would hang. I'm fine with leaving it for myself, but the damn thing emails me everyday to tell me I need to upgrade.

Even when 10.0 comes out it will likely be buggy and not worth the upgrade immediately. I'll happily upgrade pfSense a day or two after it comes out, however. It's a pretty stark contrast of development philosophies for essentially the same OS.

Not to derail my own thread but what issues are you having on 9.10. Im on latest 9.10 and running 6 tb of mirrored drives,3 Iohyve Ubuntu VMS and such.

Sorry for the tangent. I'm not having any issues. I'm just leaving it be to avoid any possible problems. I have 9.10.1-U4 and everything works.

I like the update to the traffic graph on the dashboard page. I'm looking forward to the update as pfsense has always treated me well. Been using it to secure my home network for over a decade now. :D

I'm running FreeNAS-9.10.2 (a476f16) and have had zero issues. I did have an issue a few months ago where I had to flash the latest BIOS to my HBA card because freeNAS was unhappy and throwing some warning messages...but once I updated the BIOS on the card it was happy. Even without the update, it didn't affect access to my zpool.

What "potential problems" are you expecting to find?

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This one. Update hangs and won't boot. I attempted it just now and it hung and it won't boot into that version. It also won't let me delete that version. My system is still accessible, but unable to upgrade to 9.10.2. This issue has persisted for two weeks and there's still no fix. I'll be switching from FreeNAS to Linux once zfs for linux is a little more "there". Thanks for the help ;)

I really love the new traffic graph, looks to be using the same interface as the RRD graphs which is great and I like being able to disable in/out on the fly.

Ya just rolled it. Seems OK. Though after changing my LAN IP I had to physically unplug and replug my LAN cable to log in.

This is only a home set up with 3-4 computers

Does anyone know what the upgrade path will be for switching to ZFS? I imagine this won't be a web GUI upgrade.

You'd have to reinstall and just load the old config, you're changing the format of the disk it's installed on so you're not going to be able to do that live.