Hello friends.
I need some help.
I am a real amateur when it comes to this stuff to bear with me. I have spent days banging my head against a wall before this and I’ve run out of brain function at this point.
I am trying to set up my home server. It’s basically a media server with some QoL docker containers (that’s the goal at least). Unfortunately I’m stuck at one of the first hurdles.
I’ve set up a Samba share to be able to access one storage directory located on the server on a few machines in the house. It seems to be working fine.
I also have set up qbittorrent in docker-compose, with the download volume also being located in this directory.
Unfortunately, I have not been able to get this to function as intended. The volume/folders created by qbittorrent are unable to be written to from my windows machines via the Samba share. The result is ‘permission denied’. If I create the folders with my windows machines, qbittorrent can not save/download to them (webUI shows ‘Erroring’ instead of ‘Downloading’, log shows ‘permission denied’).
I have made a group on the server and added the docker-user and the smb-user into it with the following.
sudo addgroup group-name
sudo adduser docker-user group-name
sudo adduser smb-user group-name
sudo chgrp group-name /path/to/storage
sudo chgrp -R group-name /path/to/storage/*
sudo chmod 775 /path/to/storage
sudo chmod -R 775 /path/to/storage/*
Here is the end of my smb.conf
comment = Primary Storage
path = /path/to/storage
read only = no
force user = smb-user
create mask = 775
directory mask = 775
I have also tried this with force group = group-name
with no success. smbstatus
prints out ‘nogroup’ under groups, if that means anything.
This the pertinent part of my docker-compose.yml file.
container_name: qbittorrent
image: lscr.io/linuxserver/qbittorrent:latest
TZ: ${TZ}
- './qbittorrent/config:/config'
- '/path/to/storage/Downloads:/downloads'
- 8080:8080
- 6881:6881
- 6881:6881/udp
restart: unless-stopped
In my .env file, PUID is docker-user
and PGID is group-name
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Apologies for the incoherent rambling. I hope to make this more succinct when I recover
Kind regards.