PCIe Riser cable for storage?

So, this doesn’t really seem to fit in a subforum…

On the scale of viable to really dumb; is it viable to run a PCIe based M.2 card like the Asus Hyper M.2 or a HBA card on a PCIe x16 Gen 4 riser cable? I’d assume that a good riser wouldn’t have too much effect for a GPU or similar, but when it comes to storage, I’m less sure it’s not going to generate issues / issues are more critical.

I’ve just bought a new server motherboard and was hoping to utilise an old TT Armour case because I can and it’d be cool to use it again. . . well, the board fits, but it’s from a time where connectors were perpendicular and not parallel to the PCB - so some connectors are currently unusable.
I could get a new case to fit the board or mod the TT one, but either option has limited space around the PCIe slots. I have some machined PCIe expansion slots from an old project which could be used to expand a custom case up to 12 slots (better spacing for air flow / cooling) - but risers would be required… hence the question.

It’s fine: GPU or M.2 adapter, the signal from the PCIe slot is the same.


Cheers, that’s good to know.

Any specific brands to look for / avoid? Or is the market pretty good as long as it’s not a ‘too good to be true’ from Amazon.

PCIe 4 is very much a different beast from gen 3 as the signal integrity needs to be that much better. Most cheap riser cables cannot handle PCIe4, even if they (falsely) claim so. So, stick to a reputable A-brand that understands the quirks of PCIe 4. Those making PCIe 4 mainboards and/or GPU’s are a good start.


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