I read it supports Intel® VROC technology, but that’s for RAID. I’m not sure that answers my question? Where/what terminology in the spec sheet should I be looking for so that I know it works?
Honestly I see absolutely no reason why it shouldn’t work. You want to use the most basic functionality of having extra drives. Just keep in mind, if you use 4 drives you are pretty much left with no bandwidth for a GPU, so you may have to use the integrated IrisPro or whatever it is…
I have a ATX mobo with 3 Pcie slot card. The asus maximus code. I should be okay (?)
The GPU runs on x16 PCIe 3.0
The card runs on x4 PCIe shouldn’t interfere so much that the …
I recall somewhere the internet says that the difference of GPU running on x8 and x16 isnt material… I can be wrong.
One of the features you need is PCIe bifurcation. That is what allows you to use more then one device from on a single pcie slot.
Vroc is not going to happen, that is LGA 2066 and newer. But that does not stop you from using the drives individually, or making an array inside your OS.
You motherboard needs nvme uefi support to boot from nvme drives directly, although there is a good change it has that. If not, you could always chain to tianocore or similar and then boot your is from there.
Sorry I am not following you.
Is PCIe bifurcation something that I have to install/an external piece of hardware I require? I’m not sure if my mobo has this feature.
What if the PCIe are just drives, does not house an OS drive?
It is a motherboard feature. Your motherboard either has it or does not have it, although there may be an option to enable it.
I am 95% sure that you need PCIe bifurcation to run more than one drive in that card. It would not matter if it was had a boot drive or not.
LGA 1151 has only 16 PCIe lanes going directly to the CPU. NVME M.2 drives normally use 4 PCIe lanes each, so if you used four drives that would use up all 16 lanes, so you would have none available for the GPU.
The motherboard might be smart enough to still give 8x lanes to the GPU and split the other 8x among your four drives, although that would reduce the maximum speed you could get out of them.
For PCIe 3.0, each lane can do a little bit less than 1gb per second. Source