February 7, 2014, 4:54pm
hello all, I have a good system and am struggling to find things to upgrade now, looking at
A) more ram> going from 2 x 4gb to 4 x 4gb
B) bigger cpu cooler > going from kuhler h20 620 to either h110 or h220
which is the better upgrade?
current system specs
asus Maximus vi formula
i7 4770K
8gb 2400mhz ram
2 x 120gb ssd's in raid
2 x 500gb hdd's in raid
gtx 770
casecom cl86 case
many thanks!
A) For performance but if you want to overclock a bit more then B) but you will benefit from the increase of RAM to get the most out of your computer.
I agree with Bob here. More RAM will give you an overall performance boost and is probably the best thing to upgrade since we don't know if RAM will go up even higher in price.
get the same sort of ram you already have and you should be good!