Hey guys towards black friday and cyber monday im planning on doing a full upgrade. I am planning on getting a new CPU, MOBO, and SSD. I have never done a complete update like this , so i am not sure if im going to have to do a complete overhaul software related. I know it would be best to clean install Windows 7 onto the SSD, but what about the new CPU and MOBO. I am hoping to get a A10 6800k and a MSI FM2-A85XMA-E35. I can get all of them for around 300 at current price, but was hoping to save via sales to get a new case and cooler.This would be a great update, i currently have a Phenom II x 6 1045k overclocked to 3.0 and a GIGABYTE 880GM MOBO, running a 5900rpm drive. Can you guys answer my question, and what do you think.
umm, you would be better off to keep your current CPU and buy a different GPU, at least for gaming. The core design on the APUs leaves something to be desired, even when compared to the old k10's design (aka your processor.) A really nice $250-300 GPU would probably set your system to rights on the gaming side of life. If you want to upgrade for any other CPU-intensive tasks, then you are better off with Intel, sorry to say. Even an entry-level i5 will blow the APU's CPU cores out of the water.