Pc Games have to many players

Read the name , I'm the best.

Sound a little cocky if you ask me.

just saying it's a lot more rewarding to out think a player than to simply lay down 2 steps from were you spawned and lay down. 

Then stop playing fps since you're obviously not enjoying yourself. Learn to play some strategy games.

Have you ever played Team Fortress 2? The game is much more fun when the map is more full and it's so incredibly rare for someone to be insulted in the way you specified.


Side note: You need to fix your grammar.

He needs to fix a lot of things.

> TF2 

> You already know 

like what


You grammar, how you deal with people, your sensitivity, your ability to take criticism, your open-mindedness, your physical inability to think anything you do is wrong...

You guys just read to much into everything ^_^

~ Thread Master 2013 ~


Goodnight, cruel world. I shall continue fighting the good and bad fights in the morning.

To begin with, the amount of threads you make are just silly. You're constantly asking people for their advise. Some poor sod then goes and writes half a page, then you go and tell them they're wrong and disagree with everything that everyone says. Please stop pretending you're the be all and end all, because nobody else on this forum would agree with you.

Last I checked Quake, CS or CoD(it was quite some time ago) there was quite a few options. Servers with large, medium and low max players numbers.

I have been playing TF2, NS2 and they have lots of servers with different max player numbers.

And all that comes down to the fact that on PC you have options. You want 10 player CS server, go host it.

Spot on mate, I'd give you a thumbs up or something as I was about to say the same thing but, alas. To sawyerthebest: It's not the players fault you die and get frustrated, you get frustrated, they could be very friendly and still frustrate you. That's probably why you don't like csgo, since you expected players to act like 1.6 bots or the people you played with before (probably low level).
What you're looking for my friend is a niche fps, like a mod or a pro level centered game, while qlive isn't the best example since there are indeed too many players, that's the fun aspect of it. You can pub and learn to counter the "noobs" and "xbox live players" or how you call them, then you might stumble upon better players that have competition spirit and good sportsmanship, those are the kind you want to find and play with in organized games. You're missing the competitive (not the proffesional, play games for a living kind, just for the sake of competition) aspect out of many games if you're judging them by their public casual servers.

No, I do not. Please enlighten me to as what I 'already know'.

games that used to be 4 players only truthfully wasn't fun either, you would be running over an empty map.. lan parties got bigger and then you had lan vs lan. if the spawning mode doesn't please you there is always hardcore modes where you sit the match out. it's hard to picture a war/combat setting with 4 people, personally i dont even think 64 players is enough for my taste. most pc gamers are not more stupid than console players, they are just smart enough to change options and game modes to suite their interest or mod what they want because they have the freedom to do so. i can agree that deathmatching on small maps did get old, nothing has changed on that even now.. 8x8 on a small map may be giblet bliss for wall huggers but it got old fast, so people play on bigger maps or make their own levels. it was mods reinventing the game engines that truly made these style games fun.. i'll skip doom and go right to quake 1 for an example. quake 1 was all about campaign and deathmatch originally. something as simple as a capture the flag and grappling hook mod manifesting changed the whole dynamics of this aimless spawn/kill style and brought in a sense of tactics that the game was not originally developed to do.. the point, there ended up being tons of ways to play just that one game. in the end what changed was people modifying it the way they wanted. it's not really fair to bitch about something on pc that YOU have the ability to change or implement.

I guess your kind of fun isnt my kind of fun then... ther eis NOTHING better than a fast paced game of quake team areana imo, more the merrier!

actually , Reading this guys posts, He is deffo trolling, and i would be one to vote to put a warning or a temp ban on this, its one thing to ask questions, but to just flood a forum wth troll posts is very annoying.

i secound this, i say ban his IP too.

Just look at his pic. Speaks volumes..

when will you people learn that Sawyer is an idiot and a troll? please lock this thread.