PC Crash/Display Driver Error GTX770 SC W/ ACX Cooling

So I've had my new rig for about three weeks with almost no problems up until about a week ago I started getting crashes at random which I narrowed down to the gpu in event viewer. The crash i've experinced is best discrbed by sound distortion and a pixelated display and complete computer freeze. I have searched similar problems and exact error messages looking for a solution, with either my poor searching skills or a stuff problem to solve I couldn't find any direct answers to my problem. To me it looks like some are sayings its a driver problem while others are saying its a faulty GPU. 

  • 7/29/13
  • 11:42:31AM
  • \Device\Video3
  • b444(1e9c) 00000000 00000000


  • 8/1/13
  • 7:31:53AM
  • \Device\Video3
  • b444(1e9c) 00000000 00000000


  • 8/1/13
  • 7:32:14am
  • \Device\Video3
  • CMDre 00000000 0000011c bad0011f 00000000 00d0011f

It could be either the card or the driver.

It could also be a corrupted .Net Framework 4.

Go to Uninstall/Change program and select uninstall on .net framework for and choose repair.  Or go to Microsoft and Download the .Net Framework 4 Redistibutalbe.  And run the repair that way.  Even a full uninstall of .Net and reinstall it.

.Net is wonderful for producing TDRs and poor performance.

And Download the latest Beta Driver for your card.

Another thing you can do is get GPU-Z and right click on the title bar and from the context menu select Read ASIC quality and post back.

This can help determine the quality of the silicon and may strengthen the case for RMA if need be.

I've had this issue with both of my Nvidia cards and was either the Driver or .Net Framework 4.

ASIC Quality: 76.4%


I cant find .Net framework 4.0 in Programs and when I try to install it from the website it says its already installed i've looked over the list four times


  •  This is from reviews on newegg


  • also I link to my PSU


Man EVGA going down the shitter huh.  That sucks.

And that power supply is nothing too scoff at.  I have a TX 650 and I ran a lot off it.

But since you say you can't find .Net Framework 4.  I suspect it is corrupt.  This can happen when games you install from steam go through their first time setup.  Installing Direct X, C++ and .Net Framework.

It happend to me last week when I reinstalled 3DMark 11 and ran it.  Metro Last Light started crashing, my gpu clocks were running slower than usual and not maintaining boost.

For standard .Net 4 it should be displayed under Programs and Features as:

Microsoft .Net Framework 4 Client Profile

Microsoft .Net Framework 4 Extended.

Here's the link to the Standalone installer for .net 4.5.


You'll need to use this .Net Framework clean up tool to remove the existing files and registry entries.


Only clean .Net version 4.

Once that is done reboot and open task manager and let your system idle for a bit.  You'll see 2 instances of .Net 2.0 optimization service.  Let this run it will take a few minutes and don't do anything don't even move the mouse otherwise the operations will stop.

Once that is done reboot let Windows complete loading services and disable your AV and Screensaver if you have one, then install .Net 4.5 as it is an in place update for .net 4.0.

Same thing again let it run it's optimizations then use Windows Update to get the additional updates for it.

My ASIC is 69.1.  EVGA GTX 670 FTW.

well holy shit it can do something like that?

Yeah random huh.  I found this out just randomly sifting through the EVGA fourms one day.  It provides an insight as to why some GPUs will boost higher than others.

And to add to this.  Every time a new GPU launches and the vendors bring out factory overclocked cards there are potential issues with stability.  And it's not just one vendor.  EVGA, ASUS and Gigabyte also had these problems with the 600 series and are bios related.  But from what I can gather this time round it hasn't been the blow out that it was last year.

?????  Is it fixed?