I am going to build my first gaming PC with a budget of 600 bucks. I already have some hardwares:
-A case
-650W psu
- 2X Radeon 6870 ( given to me from a friend)
What do you guys recommand? I am leaning towards AMD cpu and build around the 6870 i've got.
Not looking into spending too much since I'll be replacing this computer 2 years down the road, so I am looking to spend as little as possible that wont bottle neck the performance of the cross fired 6870s.
OCZ NOOOOO!!! lol I would upgrade the PSU if you plan to do two 6870's. You want some extra watts just in case and get a PSU that has single rail only. Seasonic, Corsair and even PC Power and Cooling (if non-modular doesnt bug you) make good ones.