Patreon member again

Hey, just wanted to say that I was a Patreon member again and didn’t know if it had any effect here on the forum?

I’ve also been wondering if different people see different versions of the forum? (Besides admin and mods) Something recently was brought to my attention that they saw but I couldn’t find what they was talking about. I figured it was a mistake or just hidden from my view.


See @GigaBusterEXE w an extra $20 on hand for that sweet sweet checkmark endorphin shot to the brain.



Just gives a small blu check in the corner (and you don’t even have to pay $8 for it! Bargain!)

outside mods, there is no different versions

but, as you use the forum, you gain “trust levels” which allows more actions. and some extra threads

Also, if you assign yourself to certain groups, you might see threads locked behind them.
It’s more like NSFW if I remember correctly.
(there is not much NSFW, aside horrendous language, and slightly edgy pics)
I am not even sure if there are many locked threads, outside “the Lounge” which might just be hidden from non “tl2” users?
edit: nope, seems that is not in effect here on L1T. Just trust levels.

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I on the forums I use to moderate we created a place for those that enjoyed NSFW. Wasn’t anything noteworthy ever said but would have certainly not gone over well in the general community.
I have just noticed the “lock” icon around on forum.

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There is 2 locks I see often, that I am aware of, but there may be many more

An old thread, can have a new post added, which “necro’s” and old thread (like, years after the discussion should have ended / the original poster left) then the mods can stop new posts (lock for new posts) which changes it to read only.

then there are off-topic posts, like “the Lounge” which is a more relaxed place where a bunch of us shoot the breeze in a less sensible, less mature manner, with sometimes fouler language, and sometimes wild conspiracies / arguments


Other people may have more knowledge. Just commenting on what I’ve noticed.

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I was just curious, I have noticed most of them in the Lounge.

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if you click Categories above, and look at the list on the left, I think you’ll find a few sub-categories with a lock pic.
Might mean they are restricted for editing / viewing?
like, only certain TL’s can edit, or only certain tier can view?

but now I’m wondering what they actually mean.

Jeepers dude, now I’m lost…


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There is a lot of them but I don’t seem to see how they effect anything.

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if you check the category list in incognito, then the locked categories are no longer visible.

Some private categories might be invisible to people not logged in, while others might be visible only to certain levels of user.

The locked Threads should be visible, if they have been locked for editing, rather than locked via security to a certain tier of member

Nope forum is add free already


hey, the lock icon.

Is it just the two cases:

  • Thread locked: locked to editing, but visibility unaffected, so “read only” (apart from mods)
  • Category lock: only certain tier of TL can view category?
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IIRC, the original idea of Discourse for the Lounge Thread that it was only visible and accesible by the users with the Regular tag.

But our Lounge Thread is manually created for everyone to use.


I think you need at least an account, so locked from guest / anon? (maybe webscrapers too)

but I did think it was TL1 or such (from new to member or some such. does not seem the case)


The rainbows and unicorns get a bit repetitive, but I have been on shrooms a lot lately.

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What I meant by different people was more like different countries / regions.

Sometimes my glasses ride low on my nose and I see red and blue halos around objects! (Progressive lens, my eye is getting old!!)