Are there software that does the same thing as Parsec that’ll allow me to host my Linux system? Or maybe things I need to do to do it myself?
I dont know what exactly are you looping for, but if you for example just want to run a web browser or IDE on a remote machine then x2go will probably be one of the best options, you can use it together with zerotier so your remote host and local computer are always on the same LAN.
I was looking for something like Parsec where I can host my system so that we can play games and do other stuff on it remotely.
I’m not aware of anything out of the box, but depending on how much of a project you want, you can be albe to craft some scripts around VNC. At least that’s the closest I can come up with. Something along the lines of…
Configure a virtual display at the resolution you want to run the game. If you have trouble there are a few “headless display” adapters that can trick your gpu into thinking a display is attached.
You want a run a second X session on this virtual display.
Configure the x0vnc server with the always-shared option, and launch it with the virtual display.
use the tiger vnc client with to connect to the display locally. You should see your display manager at this point and can log into a new session. Ideally you use seperate user account here and can launch the game in the virtual X.
Then have the friend vnc in and it should be a shared session. For security reasons, it’s highly reccomended that you only expose the vnc server on the localhost and the friend us a secured tunnel/LAN (ssh fowarding, wiregaurd or openvpn are options)
But don’t trust anyone with this you wouldn’t trust with a local account you your system.
The more secure solution would to run the display in a virtual machine that was deeply locked down. but getting high performance graphics working in VM can be tricky.
The issue with VNC is that it has terrible latency.
OP wants to do gaming so that is a no-go.
A search for low-latency vnc did come up with something interesting. Unfortanately seems to be windows only.