Painting my case?

Yeah, I've seen this video as well. I was just going to try and stick with what they do for the gpu and assume the same method would be done on the case

That doesn't work as well with the particular cans I've been using. 2-3 coats tops for it I've found once I'm in the groove. More coats of course when starting out, and from further away until you get the hang of it.

Also make sure to paint somewhere you don't mind if paint dust settles everywhere. You end up painting the air more than the object, and that's totally normal.

edit: also please don't use Linus as a how-to. I like him plenty, but as someone who's painted a few things, there was a bunch of cringe in that video lol

That really is the hard part isn't it? Every can of paint is different and judging the proper distance and speed to move takes practice. Too close and you get drips, too far and the paint dries in the air before it hits, resulting in a crappy finish. To paraphrase an ancient Japanese proverb:

β€œThe master has ruined more paint jobs than the beginner has even tried.”

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hah don't I know it, my lighting is crap in my basement so it's hard to judge how much clear to use, so a few things end up like the LTT controllers on the first pic, nice bubbles and cracks

Most of Linus' videos serve as a precautionary tale. I learn a lot from his mistakes as to what not to do. tee-hee.