oVirt ISO Domain Help

For a long time, I’ve planned to give oVirt a test run to replace some ESXi hosts.

I have a node up and running, but I am having trouble attaching an ISO Domain via NFS. I try to add it in the web GUI and I get:

Error while executing action Add Storage Connection: Problem while trying to mount target

I can add the same NFS mount as a data domain, no problem, so I know the issue isn’t with NFS. Just not sure what’s going wrong.

Ok I got it to mount by specifying NFSv4 instead of 3, 4.1 or 4.2. Apparently auto does not work for ISO Domains for some reason. Auto works fine for a data domain… pft

Still not sure how to get an ISO into it though…

Used engine-iso-uploader in CLI to upload the image from the oVirt host to the NFS ISO Domain. It does not appear under “ISO Domain - Images” in the web gui, but it is an option to mount to the test VM on boot… why I can upload to a data domain via web gui and not an iso domain is beyond me. This whole experience feels a little rough around the edges.

Had to install virt-viewer to open the .vv file to establish a KVM console to the VM via SPICE. In the future I would like to be able to add the SPICE credentials to Remmina, but not going to mess with that now.


Thanks for everything, guys. You’re the real heros.